10 Best Jobs For 11-12 Year Olds That Pay

10 Best Jobs For 11-12 Year Olds That Pay

Opportunities nowadays are endless for young people who want to make a career out of something they love, but it’s not always easy to find the right job that fits your personality and skillset. Thankfully, there are many available jobs for 11-12 year olds that pay well and offer great opportunities.

Here are the 10 best jobs for 11-12 year olds that pay:

  1. Dog Walking
  2. Photographer
  3. Youtuber
  4. Gift Wrapper
  5. Pet Sitter
  6. Author
  7. Upcycling
  8. Newspaper Delivery
  9. Actor
  10. Gamer

1. Dog Walking

Dog walking is one of the most popular jobs for children in their early teens. It can be an extremely rewarding experience because you get paid to spend time with animals while also helping them feel more comfortable around other people. You can start dog walking by simply asking friends and family if they need someone to walk their dogs on weekends. You can also look up local dog parks where you can meet potential clients. The good thing about dog walking is that you don’t have to go through any training before starting work. All you need is a leash and a heart full of compassion.

jobs for 11-12 year olds that pay

2. Photographer

Becoming a photographer is another fun way to earn money as a child. There are so many different ways to become a photographer from taking pictures of pets to documenting weddings and events. If your child is interested in photography, they should take classes at school or online. Once they’ve learned how to use a camera, they’ll be able to create beautiful photos that will help to build a portfolio. You could also help them to sell their photographs online or even print them out to hang in your home. In fact, there’s no limit to what kind of photography you can do as long as you learn new techniques and keep practicing.

3. YouTuber

YouTube is one of the biggest platforms for aspiring content creators. Kids who enjoy making videos can turn this into a profitable side business idea by creating tutorials, reviews, comedy skits, gaming videos and much more. As a kid, you may not know much about video editing software like Adobe Premier or Final Cut Pro.

However, YouTube offers free courses that teach you everything you need to know about these programs. Then all your 11-12 year old has to do is record, edit and upload the videos. The good thing about being a YouTuber is that you can monetize your channel once you reach a at least 1000 subscribers. This means your child can earn money every month just by doing what they already love!

4. Gift Wrapper

Gift wrapping has been a tradition since the beginning of time. And now, thanks to technology, gift wrapping has evolved into a billion dollar industry. If your child enjoys putting together pretty packages, then they could consider becoming a professional gift wrapper. They could either start gift wrapping for family and friends or work for a gift wrapping service. Either way, they’ll need some help from mom and dad to invest in supplies such as ribbon, bows, tape, tags, and boxes. To save money, you can buy used boxes and bags at second hand stores.

5. Pet Sitter

If your 11-12 year old enjoys spending time with animals, then pet sitting might be the perfect job for them. After all, it gives them the chance to interact with cute puppies and kittens while earning extra cash. Many families require pets sitters and use services such as Rover. You can sign up to Rover as a pet sitter and offer your services to people requiring pet sitters. So, if your kid loves animals, pet sitting could be a great side hustle idea. It will not only help them make some extra money but it also teaches them responsibility. It also allows them to develop skills such as patience, empathy, and communication.

6. Author

Writing is something that lots of kids enjoy doing. But writing books isn’t always easy. Writing a bestseller takes tons of hard work and research. If your child has an interest in writing you could encourage them to write story, which you could then sell online. Anyone can publish a book using Amazon KDP and then list it for sale on Amazon, it’s quite a simple process. To improve your childs writing skills, they could enroll in creative writing classes. Most schools offer these classes during after school hours.

jobs for 11-12 year olds that pay

7. Upcycling

Does your 11-12 year old have an eye for fashion? If yes, then upcycling might be the right job for your child. This type of job has a very low barrier to entry. All you need to get started is some old clothes and a sewing kit. This is an example of a fun hobby that can turn into a money maker. Upcycled fashion is becoming ever more popular with the increased focus on environmental sustainablity. Your child could cash in on this by upcycyling old clothes and selling them on popular apps such as Depop.

8. Newspaper Delivery

Is your child willing to deliver newspapers? If so, then they should think about starting a paper round. This is something that alot of teenagers do as it requires no experience and is eay to get started. Plus, they can use their bike to deliver the papers and get some exercise as a bonus. Once they’ve delivered enough newspapers, they could also expand to include other products and services.

9. Actor

Acting is another fun hobby that most children enjoy. If your child would like to become an actor, then they’ll likely need some training. Acting classes will help to prepare your child for auditions. Many companies require child actors for movies, tv shows and commercials. As a parent you could help them apply for roles and take them to the audition. This could be a very lucrative job if your child has talent, and could lead to a long term career in the industry.

10. Gamer

Video games aren’t just for teens! Everyone from adults to grandparents love video games. If your 11-12 year old is good at playing certain video games, then you should definitely think about introducing them to gaming as a potential career. Many people are making millions from live streaming games on platforms like Twitch. They have a great guide on how to start streaming on Twitch which will help you understand what you ned to get started.

jobs for 11-12 year olds that pay


In a nutshell, I hope my list of the 10 best jobs for 11-12 year olds that pay, has helped you gain insight into possible careers for your kids. Remember that every child has different talents and interests. What may interest one child won’t appeal to another. So keep an open mind when choosing what kind of job to pursue.